Monday, December 28, 2009

My Dad and Raider Baby's Church

When ever my dad goes to church I am happy. So when he deiced to go to Raider baby's baptism, I thought great. We had a pleasant drive. We drove by farmland, green rolling hills and windmills. The fog was high. When we got to the church it was like a family reunion.

Raider baby's church is very churchy. Stain glass windows, stain glass cross, an alter, pews, hymnals, a choir and offing plates. ( is that what you call them?) My church has none of these things. So for me its kind of fun. Very different then what I am used to. Some things are the same. A bulletin and a power point and a screen with what is going on at the church and lyrics to the songs. I guess the hymnals are just for looks now days.

I like to see the manor of dress (parishioner and pastors). I like to read the bulletin so I can see what is going on at that church. I always like to hear different preaching styles and look forward to learning something new.

Here is my dad's thought pattern:
I hate pews
I hate offering plates
All this fancy stuff the church spends money on, so what are they doing for the people in the neighborhood?
It's ok to glance at the bulletin.

My dad glanced at the bulletin here is a quote:
Total Monty Budgeted Amount Needed $17,000.00
Amount Received in November $12,710.43 (43 cents?)
Shortage for November $-4,289.57
December 6, 2009 $ 2,547.00
December 13, 2009 $4.782.00
December 20, 2009 $9,733.87

The Minster made mention with all the extra people at church (because of Raider Baby's baptism) they might have a chance at meeting the money goal in December.

That is all it took. My dad signed out. Clicked off. Did not want to hear/read/see anymore. Another money grubbing church. He started the rant while we where singing christmas carols. He talked about it on the way home. When we got home and he came in he ranted even more.

It makes me sad that he did not hear a word the pastor was saying because he had some good things to say. He was taking about looking back on your life and looking forward to the new year to come and your life. All my dad heard was GIVE THE CHURCH MONEY. He could not figure out why they needed that much. I am sure he is still talking about the greedy church today to everyone he runs across.


ChaChaneen said...

ha ha I bet you were at a catholic church!

Don't let that stop you my sweet friend from witnessing to your Dad about his personal relationship with Jesus! No money required as we always say!

Mountain Momma said...

Coming from my tiny town church that runs on a shoestring but still manages to host many missions and scholarship funds in town, I can see where he has these concerns. When I go to a church in a large town and see what they need to run, I am also taken aback. But churches are buildings, like any others, and need lights, water, and heat...all things that cost money. The pastor is paid. Money. If there is a staff, not of volunteers, they too need paid. There are local and state taxes to be paid. There are landscape and building upkeep costs. I think too many people are under the impression that churches are to give give give and forget that churches have similar cost issues as anything else. They are not exempt.
And the pastor did say the guests were not required to give, but their gift would be welcome.
But I know too, if that's what he was looking for, a trigger to shut it all out, then he found it in the money comment, and it was over long before it started.
Don't worry Auntie. He too is a dearly loved child of God!

kayakerswife said...

Mountain Mamma said it all. Mountain Mama you are right on the money!

KARNA said...

Every time my dad would come to Hope Center with us for some 'special' deal...all he could do is remark upon how the 'singers' really weren't dressed appropriately for church. I remember praying praying praying that he would be touched, moved, shown, hear, take in and behold...mostly he would talk about how they were dressed. I was always so nervous for him I didn't worship at all. Anyway, his last words were God, have mercy on me.

R. Quilter said...

4 comments !!! I love it! Thank you for your input.