Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dad's Phone Call

Last night my dad called me and said he is pretty sure he has cancer. SO he is going to go through with the surgery. He hopes they don't find any.

I feel so bad for my dad, but maybe denial is a good thing?

He also said he has asked for Clergy - because of me. Recently he has been saying things like that. On his advanced directive he marked "spiritual" because of me. He told me he thought that would make me happy. I told him Dad it is not about me or what I believe , its what you believe. My dad must believe there is some truth in Christianity otherwise he would not be saying things like that.

I wonder about what my dad really believes. So I ask myself -What is faith ? Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is being sure of what we hoped for and certain of what we do not see." How much faith do we need? The size of a mustard seed. Yes, I think he has that much.

1 comment:

Mountain Momma said...

The REASONS why he is finding faith or his spirituality is mute. The fact is, he's finding it. Some people just struggle with believing in what they think they cannot see, touch, feel; they don't understand that if you have faith, you really do see, touch & feel it. Grandpa doesn't want to relinquish "control" into something he's unsure of. BUT he's trying, he WANTS to. He WANTS to. He sees YOU have faith, and he wants it too. Be glad you could help him and show him it's ok.
I'm so scared for tomorrow, so I can only imagine what you are feeling. We can just pray. So we will. I have to stop now, tears.