Sunday, April 5, 2009

Quilt For My Brother

This is the quilt I gave to my brother for his birthday. The colors remind me of the rolling hills where he lives. You can't see it but some of the squares along with the binding has deer on it. The binding fabric comes from an old trunk that a elderly woman gave to my brother when he was working for her. The trunk had all kinds of things in it including the fabric. The fabric looks like it came from the late 50's. A few of the fabric pieces had deer on it. My brother gave the fabric to me. So I put it on his birthday quilt.

My next door neighbor says when you make labels for your quilt you should put the city and the state besides your name and the date. Her theory is someday your quilt might end up in New York or some other state. So it is good to identify where you made it.

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