Saturday, February 2, 2013

Question of the Day

A few weeks ago a dear friend went to a how to build your relationship with your spouse workshop. One of the exercises intrigued me. The group had to go to an unfamiliar restaurant and order off the menu for their spouse. NO TALKING or giving hints. She was shocked to see many people could not order for their spouse. Some had been married 25 years or more.

I love this exercise. I have been ordering for my gig a low for many years. That is easy, could he order for me? Yes. But he would be worried that he is not getting it right. He knows the things I will not eat. Ox tail for one.

This carries over to could I have a birthday party for my dear friends and get it right? I think so.

Daliah - I would call it "Downton Abbey".  There would be a dress code men in ties women in dresses. Fine china, silver and cloth napkins. We would have H'orderves served on a sliver platter. There would be wine, champaign  cheese and chocolate. The house would have beautiful roses and flower throughout.  All her family and her close friends would be there.  She would also like to have a private family party where they all go to an exotic location together and just have family time.  Gifts, yes.

Jasmin - All American - Hamburgers, French fries and a movie with close friends, separate party with family. Gift of time is the biggest gift for Jasmin. Sometimes she would not like to have a party at all.

Fuchsia - City Girl - Nothing is better than being in the big city with friends and her daughter.  I would call it a Progressive City dinner. Walk or drive all over the city eat at several different types of foodie type spots. She wants to share her experience and make a foodie memory. Gifts yes

Elijah - Traditional - Meat & potatoes, cake or cupcakes, blow out the candles. Maybe go to movies or play bocce ball. Sometime Elijah would rather not have a party at all. Gifts yes.

Could you order off the menu for your spouse or loved one? Could you plan a party for your close friends and know what they want?

I hope my friends who read this will tell me if I am accurate. How well do I know my friends? I will find out!

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